🔵Adding User Defined Fields

The custom attributes you add here are permanent, as they get stored in the database. If you need additional attributes on the Part, you can add these additional attributes using Part Settings.

Knyo tip: You can select the attributes of the type List when you want your users to choose the value from the list of values.

Knyo tip: You can create different types of UDF, like Integer, Character, Float,String, List of Strings,List of Integer, and List of Floats.

Knyo tip: Always make sure check the active box to activate the user defined field.

Steps to define UDF

  1. Select Parts ==> Settings

  2. Select the user defined field, the new user field form is displayed.

  3. Fill up all the necessary data as per your requirement.

  4. Select the field type properly according to your business need.

  5. Click on create button to create the field.

  6. This new field will start appearing on the create part form under user defined fields section on the basic tab.

Last updated